
課程代碼 標題 學分
CISC7201 Introduction to Data Science Programming 3
CISC7202 Tools for Machine Learning* 3
CISC7203 Database and Data Mining Technologies 3
CISC7204 Data Science and Data Visualization 3
總學分: 12




課程代碼 標題 學分
CISC7013 Principles of Artificial Intelligence 3
CISC7018 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 3
CISC7019 Web Mining 3
CISC7021 Applied Natural Language Processing 3
CISC7022 Big Data Processing and Analysis 3
CISC7026 Introduction to Deep Learning 3


課程代碼 標題 學分
數據科學的四門基礎課程 12
從上述的選修課表中修讀四門學科選修課程 12
CISC7298 Project Report 6
總學分: 30

The programme will be launched officially after it has been published in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR.


課程代碼 標題 學分
MKTG7010 Marketing Management 3
MKTG7030 Consumer Behavior* 3
MKTG7033 Marketing Analytics* 3
BAGC7011 Research Methods 3


課程代碼 標題 學分
數據科學的四門基礎課程 12
從上述的必修課表中修讀四門學科必修課程 12
BAGC7891 Project Report* 6
總學分: 30

金融科技 專業的學科必修課表:

課程代碼 標題 學分
FINC7054 Introduction to Modern Financial Technology* 3
FIN7060 Topics in Data Analytics and Financial Technology 3

金融科技 專業的學科選修課表:

課程代碼 標題 學分
FINC7010 Corporate Finance 3
FINC7026 International Banking and Bank Management* 3
FINC7035 Financial Risk Management* 3
ACCT7060 Financial Statement Analysis for Decision Making 3
BECO7010 Statistics and Financial Econometrics 3


課程代碼 標題 學分
數據科學的四門基礎課程 12
從上述的必修課表中修讀兩門學科必修課程 6
從上述的選修課表中修讀兩門學科選修課程 6
BAGC7891 Project Report 6
總學分: 30

The programme will be launched officially after it has been published in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR.

數據戰略與合規管理 專業的學科必修課表:

課程代碼 標題 學分
LAWS7701 Data Applications and Regulation in Digital Society 3
LAWS7702 Big Data Analytics and Compliance in E-Business 3
LAWS7703 Data Strategy and Protection in Healthcare and E-Governance 3
LAWS7704 Artificial Intelligence and Comparative Law 3


課程代碼 標題 學分
數據科學的四門基礎課程 12
從上述的必修課表中修讀四門學科必修課程 12
LAWS7798 項目報告 6
總學分: 30

精淮醫學 專業的學科必修課表:

課程代碼 標題 學分
HSCI7001 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 3
HSCI7002 Biomedical Sciences 3
HSCI7003 Digital Biomedicine 3
HSCI7004 Healthcare Analytics 3


課程代碼 標題 學分
數據科學的四門基礎課程 12
從上述的必修課表中修讀四門學科必修課程 12
HSCI7998 Project Report 6
總學分: 30
計算語言學 專業的學科必修課表:

課程代碼 標題 學分
AHGC7315 Language and Linguistics 3

計算語言學 專業的學科選修課表:

課程代碼 標題 學分
CISC7021 Applied Natural Language Processing 3
ENGL7022 Corpus Linguistics 3
AHGC7039 Computer-aided Translation 3
AHGC7303 Evaluation and Assessment of Language Use 3
CHLL7101 Methods in Chinese Linguistics 3
AHGC7308 Special Topics in Applied Linguistics I 3
PHIL7101 Topics in Semantics 3


課程代碼 標題 學分
數據科學的四門基礎課程 12
從上述的必修課表中修讀一門學科必修課程 3
從上述的選修課表中修讀三門學科選修課程 9
AHGC7398 Project Report 6
總學分: 30

The programme will be launched officially after it has been published in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR.

教學分析 專業的學科選修課表:

課程代碼 標題 學分
EDUC7041 Assessment and Evaluation of Educational Big Data 3
EDUC7042 Data-Driven Approach to Educational Administration 3
EDUC7043 Learning Enhancement with Big Data 3
EDUC7044 Quantitative Social Science Research with Big Data 3
SSGC7201 Civic Data Acquisition and Analysis 3


課程代碼 標題 學分
數據科學的四門基礎課程 12
從上述的選修課表中修讀四門學科選修課程 12
EDUC7098 Project Report 6
總學分: 30

The programme will be launched officially after it has been published in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR.

智慧政務 專業的學科選修課表:

課程代碼 標題 學分
SSGC7201 Civic Data Acquisition and Analysis 3
SSGC7202 Big Data and Smart Governance 3
SSGC7203 Analysis of Media and Opinion Data 3
SSGC7204 Making Sense of Smart Governance 3
EDUC7044 Quantitative Social Science Research with Big Data 3


課程代碼 標題 學分
數據科學的四門基礎課程 12
從上述的選修課表中修讀四門學科選修課程 12
SSGC7298 Project Report 6
總學分: 30

The programme will be launched officially after it has been published in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR.