International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research held at UM

To promote interdisciplinary collaboration and academic exchange, the Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) of the University of Maca [...]


UM Team wins second prize in Huawei ICT Global Final Competition 澳大團隊獲全球雲賽道二等獎

The closing ceremony and awards ceremony of the 2023-2024 Huawei ICT Global Final Competition was held in Shenzhen. This competition was th [...]


UM students win second prize in information communications technology competition 澳大學生於資訊科技賽獲獎

A team of students from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau (UM) represented Macao in the 8th Huawei ICT [...]


The 1st International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research was successfully held at UM

The 1st International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research was successfully held at the University of Macau [...]


MSc Data Science admission for AY2023/2024

2023/2024年入學碩士生課程現正接受申請,截止日期: 2023年2月28日  (線上申請: Graduate School official website) 歡迎任何本科及有興趣之人士,且對數據科學有興趣的同學報讀 簡介 理學碩士學位(數據科學)課程是一個為期兩年的研究 [...]



這是一場激烈的角逐——十二支突破層層選拔的隊伍各展身手,誰與爭鋒; 這是一次數據的對話——十二個數據智慧結合的思想相互碰撞,大放光彩。 2022年11月27日下午,由中山大學政治與公共事務管理學院聯合中山大學中國公共管理研究中心、香港城市大學公共及國際事務學系、澳門大學數據科 [...]
