The 1st International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research was successfully held at the University of Macau (UM). Consisting of two sub sessions: The 1st Macau Symposium on Data Science on 4th September, and The 4th Macau Symposium on Cognitive and Brain Sciences on 8th and 9th September, the symposium offers keynote presentations, invited guest talks and young researcher session, aiming to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and  facilitate academic exchange. A total of 37 presentations were delivered by renowned experts and scholars from diverse backgrounds sharing their latest research findings in data science and neuroscience, including 8 keynote presentations and 29 guest talks. The three-day symposium has more than 300 people participated.

This symposium was sponsored by the University of Macau Development Foundation and co-organized by the Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) and its sub-centres, Centre for Data Science and Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences. During the opening ceremony, Prof. Wei GE, Vice Rector (Research) of UM, delivered a speech introducing the mission and key role of the Institute of Collaborative Innovation, and expressed expectations for the success of this symposium.

A list of honorable guests attended the opening ceremony, including Mr. Simon CHE Wai Meng, Chief of the Project Transformation and Support Department of The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), Mr. CHAN Chou Weng, Acting Head of Technology Department of The Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT), Prof. Florence VAN Iat Kio, President of Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau, Prof. Jason CHUANG Yao Chen, Associate Professor of Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau, Mr. Jack YIM, Huawei Cloud Solutions, Prof. Chengzhong XU, Interim Director of Institute of Collaborative Innovation, Prof. Zhen Yuan, Associate Director of Institute of Collaborative Innovation and Head of Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences and Prof. Ryan U, Head of Centre for Data Science.

The 1st Macau Symposium on Data Science (sub session 1) hosted 2 keynote speeches. Prof. Reynold CHENG from the University of Hong Kong introduced how to use data science technology to help the elderly and home care services by the Social Technology and Research Laboratory of HKU (STAR LAB). Prof. Jianliang XU of Hong Kong Baptist University discussed the challenges and difficulties encountered in large-scale geospatial analysis technology and shared the latest research results.

The 4th Macau Symposium on Cognitive and Brain Sciences (sub session 2) hosted 6 keynote speeches and 20 invited guest talks sharing on topics such as cognitive neuroscience, brain diseases, neuroimaging, and brain intervention techniques. Keynote speaker Prof. Luonan CHEN of the Chinese Academy of Sciences presented a new concept “dynamics-based data science” in AI applications of biology and medicine for studying dynamical processes and disease progressions; Prof. Qiyong GONG, Professor of West China Hospital of Sichuan University shared recent findings on psychoradiology in conjunction with the recent technical development, and their implications for clinical care of the psychiatric patients; Prof. Gene BREWER of the Arizona State University gave a talked titled “Novel Methods for Detecting Neurotransmitter Concentrations with Sub-Second Temporal Resolution in Humans”; Prof. Tatia LEE, Chair Professor of the University of Hong Kong shared her findings on the topic “Is the pons a significant neural correlate of the human affective processing system?”; Prof. Miguel CASTELO-BRANCO discussed on the mechanisms of disease and of therapeutic interventions in clinical neuroscience; and Prof. Lingjie Kong from Tsinghua University introduced his research on all-optical physiology for interrogation of neural circuits in vivo.

The symposium also included a young researcher session to showcase their research outputs, a total of 10 oral presentations were given delivered and 30 posters were displayed. As a recognition to the outstanding young scholars, the committee selected three awardees each for the Best Oral Presentation Award, Best Poster Award and Travel Award.

The Institute of Collaborative Innovation is dedicated to promote interdisciplinary research among the higher education institutions in the Greater Bay Area and internationally, cultivating innovative talents, fostering an environment that is conducive to innovative thinking, innovative capabilities and innovative industries, and promoting cooperation among industry, academic and research. This symposium attempted to discuss the latest trends and challenges in data science, cognitive neuroscience and brain science, with the purpose of promoting academic exchange among scholars.



第一屆澳門數據科學研討會 (分會場一)共有兩場特邀嘉賓的主題演講,分別為:香港大學計算機科學系鄭振剛教授通過實踐案例的分享,介紹香港大學社會科技與研究實驗室(STAR LAB)如何運用數據科學技術為老人和家庭護理服務提供幫助;香港浸會大學理學院計算機科學系系主任徐建良教授探討大規模地理空間分析技術遇到的挑戰與困難,並分享了最新的研究成果。

第四屆澳門認知與腦科學研討會(分會場二)的六場特邀嘉賓主題演講分別是:中國科學院系统生物學重點實驗室陳洛南教授探討用於研究動態處理和疾病進展的新概念;四川大學華西醫院放射科磁共振研究中心龔啟勇教授總結精神影像學的最新發現、技術發展以及其對精神病人臨床護理啟示;美國亞利桑那州立大學Gene BREWER教授介紹如何通過一種全新的技術檢測多巴胺對於工作記憶的作用;香港大學李湄珍教授探討關於橋腦和皮質邊緣紋狀體系統對於個人情感狀態和反應力塑造的協同作用;葡萄牙哥英布拉大學Miguel CASTELO-BRANCO教授介紹了臨床神經科學中的疾病機制和治療干預;清華大學孔令傑教授介紹其在全光學式生理學領域的研究成果。此外,二十名嘉賓講者在兩天的會議,就腦認知、腦疾病、神經影像學與大腦干預技術等進行報告與分享。研討會設年輕研究員的成果展示及分享環節,包括十場口頭報告及三十張海報展示。為鼓勵青年學者的参與,評委選出最佳口頭報告、最佳海報及差旅獎各三名,以示獎勵。
