Research projects under CDS are highly interdisciplinary across all faculties at UM .
Building a third-party platform: a practical protocol for Macau-Hengqin data transfer
The current project focuses on exploring the possibility of establishing a mechanism for cross-border data transfer in GMCZ. In particular, we will first scrutinize the differences and similarities between two legal systems for the issue of personal data protection under the framework of GDPR, and try to define a common legal ground that not only ensures data security but also advances innovation in digital economy for cross-border data transfer.
Online User Interaction: A Cross-disciplinary Research Based on Digital Data
This project will be organized as an overarching project and several subprojects. We will review literature from various social scientific fields to conceptualize the terms of “user” and “interaction”, then develop a theoretical framework. We aim to apply and test this framework in various fields, including sociology, management, marketing, communication, linguistics, and public health, to understand interactions between people. A series of advanced text-mining and graph evolving deep learning techniques will also be developed for data analysis.

COVID-19 Heatmap Visualization System
- In this joint project (with HKU), our team builds a visualization system to demonstrate the state-of-the-art algorithm for Heatmap Visualization.

COVID-19 Knowledge Graph Pattern Discovery
- In this joint project (with SUSTech), our team investigate the state-of-the-art pattern discovery algorithm in large knowledge graph.
- The query engine of our systems outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions by 10~100 times in terms of response time.