The closing ceremony and awards ceremony of the 2023-2024 Huawei ICT Global Final Competition was held in Shenzhen. This competition was the largest offline competition ever held by Huawei, attracting over 80 countries and regions, more than 2,000 schools, and over 170,000 student registrations. After the national and regional competitions, more than 160 teams and 470 players from 49 countries and regions made it to the global final competition.

After fierce competition, The UM team, comprising FST students Wong Iok Keong, Zhou Wenjie and Xie Daixu, under the guidance of U Leong Hou, head of the Centre for Data Science of the Institute of Collaborative Innovation and associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science of FST at UM, stood out from the other teams and won the second prize in the cloud track in the global competition.



聯合國教科文組織教育助理總幹事斯蒂芬妮亞·賈尼尼(Stefania Giannini)在視頻致辭中提到,聯合國教科文組織致力於維護應用數字技術,尤其人工智能時期每一位學習者和教師的基本權利和能動性,為所有人創造包容、公平、開放和安全的數字未來!衷心感謝華為等合作夥伴長期以來的支持。



UM Team win second prize in Huawei ICT Global Final Competition

Closing Ceremony