Huawei ICT Competition is a competitive ICT talent exchange event developed by Huawei for global Tertiary Education Institutions “students. To promote the healthy development of the ICT talent ecosystem and support the integration of industry and education, Huawei, together with MAPST and CPTTM, invites ALL Tertiary Education Institutions” students in Macao to participate in the Huawei ICT Competition 2022-2023 – Macao.
Last year, the Huawei ICT Contest was held in Macao for the first time, attracting 475 students from major universities in Macao and training more than 1,000 students. During the competition, a number of teams from Macao qualified for the Asia-Pacific regional finals. To win outstanding results in the global finals.
Huawei ICT Competition content will include: Network track (IP technologies such as: Datacom, Security, and WLAN) and Cloud track (IT technologies such as: Cloud, Big data, Storage, and Al).
華為ICT大賽,是華爲公司打造的面向全球大學生的年度ICT賽事。大賽以“聯接、榮耀、未來”爲主題,以“I. C. The Future”爲口號,旨在爲全球高校大學生打造國際化競技和交流平臺,提升學生的ICT知識水準和實踐動手能力,培養其運用新技術、新平臺的創新創造能力,助力全球數字化建設。並且華為ICT大賽已被中國高等教育學會正式納入全國普通高校大學生競賽項目榜單。
華為ICT大賽2022-2023 澳門包含兩個賽道,分別是網絡賽道和雲賽道,重點考察學生ICT理論知識儲備量、上機實踐能力和團隊協作能力。
For ALL Students in UM:
Huawei Souvenirs will be provided for attending Roadshow with successfully registered!
Huawei T-Shirt & Cafe coupon will be provided for students who successfully registered the ICT + completion of the course online learning progress of 1%
Huawei is going to hold a ROADSHOW at University of Macao for ICT competition introduction. Souvenirs and tips for competition preparation will be provided in the Roadshow. Welcome to join us! Posters at the end will provide more information about the Huawei ICT competition.
華為將在澳門大學舉辦介紹會和路演,將介紹賽前培訓和路演, 將介紹賽前培訓及TIPs.

Huawei ICT Contest 2022-2023 · Macao Roadshow @UM
Date: September 28 (Wed)
Time: 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Venue: Room E4-G062
華為ICT大賽2022-2023 ∙ 澳門站介紹會及路演